Connect to UniFi HyppTV Set Top Box Through WiFi (without homeplug)

Guide courtesy of nzuser. Many thanks to him for sharing the guide.

I'd been looking for a guide online to set up the UniFi HyppTV Set Top Box EC6106V5 to connect wirelessly without spending extra money to buy a pair of HomePlugs as HyppTV STB EC6106V5 has already got WiFi built in to the box, you only need to go to the settings to enable it to connect to your WiFi network. Unfortunately, there isn't much helpful information I could get from the internet, so I decided to go through all the settings in the router myself to find out if there is any possibilities to do so, and finally I found that IT'S ALL POSSIBLE!!! So now I can have my router in one room, and HyppTV STB and TV in another without having to buy any extra hardware as long as it's within the WiFi coverage range.

After the successful attempt, I feel like I should share this to others, so you all can save some money and place your TV set wherever you want.

I will skip the steps to enabling and connecting to WiFi network in the Set Top Box as it's already available on the internet for quite some time. So I'll go straight to the point, and below is the step by step set up guide. 

Edit (14/10/2017): I'm getting forum messages from time to time where people ask for details regarding the setup, so I think it's better for me to just update the post with a bit more details in case people couldn't find the specific information needed.

Edit (14/10/2017): I've since upgraded the Set Top Box to EC6108V8 and a different TM router model after the first post, but most settings remained the same as before. Note: I haven't got a chance to play with the newer TM D-Link DIR-850L router, so I'm not sure if some of the settings are actually available in this router.

Edit (14/10/2017): To enable WiFi connection in the HyppTV Set Top Box, go to the settings page through the cog icon at the screen when you first power on your HyppTV STB, then go to Wireless and Network section, tick the box on the right of Enable WLAN and wait for the STB to turn on the WiFi feature, once the WiFi is on, go to Set WLAN to choose and connect to the WiFi network SSID you're going to create from the guide below.

1. Log in to your UniFi router, username and password is readily available online.

Edit (14/10/2017): You need to login with master ID and password as standard admin ID will NOT show you all the settings needed for this configuration. Master ID and password is model specific, you can easily find it on google.

2. Go to Wireless tab and then SSID Configuration, enable second SSID in the list by clicking the Edit button.

3. In the VAP configuration page, tick the Enabled VAP box to enable second SSID, and you can enter your own SSID name in the SSID box. Under Wireless Security, you need to select WPA-PSK as authentication, as WPA2-PSK won't work in streaming the IPTV signal. Under Enabled WPA, select TKIP as the Key Type, AES will work too, but I find TKIP having a smoother streaming result. Don't forget to enter your own Preshared Key too. 

Edit (30/11/2015): I've tried to use the so-called 'mixed mode' WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK Authentication with TKIP + AES Key Type without any streaming issue so far. With these settings, it should give better security to your WiFi network.

Edit (04/12/2015): WPA2-PSK Authentication is actually WORKING for streaming IPTV signal, I've so far tried both WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK with all Key Types combinations available in the router's settings, some combinations have better streaming results than the others, so you might try out yourself to find the best one for your network conditions. Still not sure why it didn't work the first time when I set up the SSID2. 

4. Click Submit button at the bottom of the page to save settings.

5. Now go to Setup tab and then WAN Configuration, edit the connection with VLAN ID 600. It's the notepad icon with a pen on it, NOT the icon looks like a recycle bin. 

6. In WAN Connection settings, under Port Binding, tick the box SSID2 for WLAN Port.

7. Click Apply button to save settings, and Viola! you can now stream your HyppTV content wirelessly when connecting to this new SSID!

Please note that this is only for streaming HyppTV contents, browsing internet with the browser won't work in this configuration. The new STB EC6108V8 should work with the similar settings, but not tested myself. Hope you guys enjoy it.


Above guide still working with following devices:
Modem: ZTE ZXHN H267A V1.0
HyppTV Set Top Box: EC6108V8


Enable WiFi on HyppTV Set Top Box


  1. How to get Master ID and password for TP link router HypTV wifi setting

  2. Just use your laptop of PC. Use the following link

    you can use any of the following combination of ID and password

    Username: Management
    Password: TestingR2

    Username : operator
    Password : h566UniFi

    Username : operator
    Password : telekom

  3. can share a setting for archer c1200?


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